
What does responsive website design have to do with improving your business? 

Gone are the days when you had to wear your shoes, step outside your home, take transport, and visit a business just to get some information about it.

We are now living in the digital era. Everything is available to us online just a few clicks and taps away on our mobile and computer devices.

But how do we access a business online? Simple - By visiting its website!

In today's digital age, having a website is important for all businesses. As of 2023, 71% of businesses have a website.

While having a website is a great addition to your business, you need to make sure that your website design is responsive.

What Do You Mean By A Responsive Website Design?

Responsive website design means designing web pages that appear good on all devices. It ensures that the web pages adjust automatically – be it a laptop, mobile, tablet, PC, smart TV, etc.

Why Is A Responsive Website Design Important? 

A responsive website is important because it ensures your site looks great and functions well on any device. The visitors to your website may be using devices of their choice. You need to make sure your website gives them the best experience on all devices.

Top 7 Reasons Why Businesses Need A Responsive Website

  • Improved User Experience 

Websites are at the online forefront of businesses. Having an aesthetically good and responsive website design wins the trust of the visitor.

The design of a website contributes to 94% of the first impression of the users. 

A responsive website provides a better user experience because it is optimized for all devices. Users can navigate your site easily, and images and videos are displayed correctly on all devices.

If the users have a great experience with your website from one device, they would want to access it from a different device as well. In short, they would prefer to have a similar experience across all devices.

The users are more likely to return to your website if you give them a good user experience. 

If your website is optimised for viewing on a desktop PC, then it may not look good on a mobile device, and vice versa.

A user will leave your website if they find the graphics, texts, buttons, etc hard to read/view.

Therefore, a responsive website design becomes essential in retaining website traffic.

  • Increased traffic from mobile devices

According to research, more than 50% of all online traffic comes from mobile devices.

Google favours those websites which are optimised for viewing on mobile devices. By having a responsive website design, you can make your website easier to view and navigate on a mobile device.

This will lead to an increase in traffic from mobile devices and will benefit your business greatly.

  • Improved SEO

As explained above, with a responsive website design, your website will give the users a great experience. And this will lead to an increase in the SEO ranking.

Responsiveness, along with other SEO factors, helps your website to get a high score in search engine results.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

How does having a responsive website design help you reduce costs?

Having a responsive website design eliminates the need for separate desktop and mobile versions. This saves you time and money in the long run.

You only need to invest in one version of a site, and thereby it is easier to maintain. With just one version of a site, fewer things can go wrong, and hence, debugging also becomes easier.

  • Faster Loading Time

The speed of your website can have a direct effect on the ability to generate website traffic.

If your website takes a long time to load, the users may get frustrated and might leave your site. There are hundreds of alternatives available today for any business. 

You could be prone to losing valuable customers because of the loading speed of your website.

A study done on website loading times reveals that sites loading in 1 second have just a 7% bounce rate.

To put that into perspective, out of 1000 visitors, you would be losing just 70 if your website manages to load in a second. The number increases rapidly to 380 if your website takes 5 seconds to load.

Responsive website design loads faster, which leads to a better user experience and higher engagement rates. This can also help improve your SEO ranking. 

Google ranks websites based on several factors, and the loading speed of a website is one among them.

  • Increased Conversions

A responsive website increases conversions because users are more likely to stay on your site and make a purchase if they can navigate it easily on any device.

Users will also be more likely to explore different sections of your website if they are laid out neatly on all devices. This helps you to generate more leads and eventually get more sales.

  • Better Analytics

A website with a responsive design provides better analytics as it allows you to track user behaviour efficiently on different devices. This information can help you in several ways to improve your business.

For instance, with analytics, you can find out what kind of users visit your website, where they come from, what age group they belong to, what devices they use, etc.

All of this can help you in taking effective decisions concerning scaling and upgrading your business.

Better analytics also acts as a feedback mechanism for both your website as well as your business. You can understand what products the users are interested in, and you can invest in your business based on it.

How to make a responsive website?

A responsive website design for your business can be implemented in various ways.

Firstly, you can use a variety of open-source as well as paid tools to make your website design responsive.

Bootstrap Responsive -

One tool that you can use is Bootstrap Responsive. It is an open-source tool, with plenty of users such as start-ups, organisations, and large-scale businesses alike.

It consists of plenty of pre-defined responsive web design CSS, features, and elements which can be used to make your website design responsive.

Thanks to its huge online community support, Bootstrap keeps getting new features frequently.

It can be used for automatically scaling up your web pages to ensure the best view and fit for any kind of device. 

It helps you to easily maintain your website since you are not designing multiple versions for multiple devices.

I have made a responsive website design. What next?

Once a responsive web design is created, the next step is to check for its responsiveness.

This involves testing the website on different devices to see if there are any inconsistencies in the webpage experience.

Here’s one testing tool to help you get started:

LT Browser -

LT Browser is a freemium easy-to-use tool which will help you test the responsiveness of your website and debug it.

It provides a variety of viewports and devices to choose from. You can test the appearance of your webpage across all types of devices such as mobile, tablets, hand-held computers, desktop computers, etc.

In addition to the multiple devices, it also offers you to choose from a variety of web browsers. What if coding, testing, and debugging are not my cup of tea?

If you are not interested in coding, testing, or debugging to make your website design responsive, then you can easily avail the paid responsive web design services.

At TaskerWeb, our professionals will do the task for you as per your requirements.

Our numerous responsive web design services include:

  • Design a responsive website based on your needs
  • Migrate a fixed layout website to a responsive layout
  • Provide consulting services for responsive web design needs.

We will help you handle the design of your website and make it responsive. 

As a result, your website will become properly functional across all devices, will become easy to navigate, and will look good on all devices.


In conclusion, having a responsive website is essential for any business that wants to succeed in today's digital age. It provides a better user experience, increases mobile traffic, improves SEO, is cost-effective and increases conversions and provides better analytics. Make sure your website is responsive to stay competitive and attract more customers.

Enrich user experience and make your website accessible on all devices with a mobile-responsive website design. Tasker Web has appropriate solutions to build your brand reputation and ensure high conversions. Connect with us and explore revolutionary opportunities for your business websites. 

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